أعلان الهيدر

الأحد، 3 يناير 2010

الرئيسية مكافح الفيروسات المنسى McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i SP1 Antivirus+ Anti Spyware F

مكافح الفيروسات المنسى McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i SP1 Antivirus+ Anti Spyware F

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i SP1 Antivirus Anti Spyware Full Retail

The ultimate way to keep viruses out of your desktops and servers

With McAfee VirusScan® Enterprise, we've taken anti-virus protection to the next level by combining intrusion prevention and firewall technology in a single solution for PCs and file servers. Manage it with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator® for security policy compliance and enterprise-level reporting .


بالرجوع إلى:

"McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i SP1 Antivirus Anti Spyware Full Retail The ultimate way to keep viruses out of your desktops and servers With McAfee VirusScan® Enterprise, we've taken anti-virus protection to the next level by combining intrusion prevention and firewall technology in a single solution for PCs and file servers. Manage it with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator® for security policy compliance and enterprise-level reporting ."
- مكافح الفيروسات المنسى McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i SP1 Antivirus+ Anti Spyware F - EBNELESLAM FORUM (نظرة على ويكي Google الجانبي)

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